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External Committees with Representation Through the A/P Council

Academic Senate

The representative to the Academic Senate attends all Academic Senate meetings as a representative of the A/P Council. The Senate representative also attends and participates in all A/P Council meetings and provides written and verbal updates to the Council on the Senate meetings. The Academic Senate representative also serves on a committee within the Academic Senate structure, typically the Finance and Planning Committee. The Academic Senate rep is appointed by the council and their appointment lasts for a period of one year. You can review minutes of full Senate meetings on the Academic Senate website.

  • Jeff Helms, A/P representative

Awards Committee

The Awards Committee functions in recognizing A/P staff excellence through the Distinguished Service, Emerging Leader and Esprit De Corp, and Team Excellence awards.

  • Melissa Ramirez-Osorio, A/P representative

Campus Communications Committee

The Campus Communications Committee's role is to facilitate communication between the Board of Trustees and various campus constituencies. The committee meets prior to each Board of Trustees meeting to create a formal letter to be read at the Board of Trustees meeting addressing campus successes, issues, and concerns. In addition, the Campus Communication Committee hosts the Coffee Hour prior to each Board of Trustees meeting, bringing in speakers on topics that would be of interest to the Board of Trustees and other campus representatives.

The committee is made up of eight members including two faculty members nominated and elected by the Academic Senate, the Academic Senate Chairperson, one student elected by the Student Government Association, one Civil Service employee elected by the Civil Service Council, the Civil Service Council Chairperson, one Administrative/Professional employee elected by the Administrative/Professional Council, and the Administrative/Professional Council Chairperson.

  • Vacant

Illinois State University Foundation Board

The representative to the Illinois State University Foundation Board serves as a liaison between the Board and the A/P Council. This is an Administrative/Professional elected position, typically serving for two years. The representative attends and participates in all scheduled Foundation Board of Directors meetings, representing the issues, positions, and interests of the Administrative/Professional Council. The representative also attends and participates in all A/P Council meetings, provides Council members with status reports from the Foundation Board of Directors meetings, and facilitates requests between the Council and the Board.

  • Heidi Verticchio, A/P representative

Illinois State University Annuitants Association

The representative to the Illinois State University Annuitants Association serves as a liaison between the Association and the A/P Council. The representative attends and participates in all scheduled Association meetings, representing the issues, positions, and interests of the Council. The representative also attends and participates in all A/P Council meetings, provides Council members with status reports from the Association meetings, and facilitates requests between the Council and the Association.

  • Nikki Brauer, A/P representative

Parking Advisory Committee

The Parking and Transportation Advisory Committee is responsible for assisting the Office of Parking and Transportation staff in developing policies, procedures, regulations, and establishing fees for University Parking Regulations. The committee also provides advice regarding campus transportation and reviews appeals to parking violations. Typically, two Administrative/Professional employees serve on this committee representing the views of all A/P staff. 

  • Cara Boester, A/P representative

  • Mike Regilio, A/P representative